Limiting piglet crushing, for better welfare and performance

Piglet crushing, a major contributor to pre-weaning Mortality of piglets Pre-weaning period is a critical phase in swine production, which lasts from farrowing up to the weaning of piglets. During this period, piglets’ mortality rate is at its highest, around 12% (Jarvis et al., 2023). Piglet mortality is a major challenge in swine production, seriously …

Durelax Liquid, an effective tool in aquaculture!

Promising trial results from our partner Montana Chile on Salmonides Recent trials conducted in Chile by our partner, Montana Chile, focusing on Atlantic salmon, Pacific salmon, and rainbow trout, have yielded promising results. Durelax liquid, used at 250ml/m3 in water, reduces fish stress. Notably, during transport via truck and well-boat, salmonids exhibited lower cortisol levels, indicating …

Managing birds’ stress for better performances at slaughtering

Stressful events during poultry farming have an impact on birds’ Physiological status The transport of birds from the farm to the slaughtering house is known to induce stress on the animal. Birds are exposed to a variety of potential stress factors such as handling, feed withdrawal, noise, vibration, temperature oscillation, social disruption, crowding, and restriction …

Commercial Melissa officinalis extract in association with magnesium to improve meat quality

Stress occuring in poultry farming leads to Lower meat quality Carcass and meat quality traits are important factors in poultry production, which can lead to important economic losses when they are degraded. One of the main reasons of carcass and meat quality degradation is the stress generated during poultry farming. Indeed, stress is documented to …

Light intensity increases feather pecking in laying hens

What are the causes of Feather pecking Feather pecking is a common social behavior in commercial laying hens. Various factors lead to feather pecking such as: environment, stocking density, hen genetic, and nutrition. Feather pecking is also linked to social behavior, as birds tend to imitate each other quickly, leading to a general pecking behavior …