With the heat, comes the stress for livestock!

Protecting livestock from the stress due to Rising temperatures Heat stress casts a shadow over the performance and profitability of livestock production. Unfortunately, farmers cannot always measure precisely the losses associated with this insidious threat, even though studies have confirmed the high cost associated with it. For the U.S. market, the yearly losses have been …

Supplementing heifers with a rumen-protected dry grape extract to increase vaccination success

The risk of oxidative stress for high prolific sows and the impact on the Litter livability High prolific sows have high energy needs to cover the fetal development during late gestation, but also to ensure a right lactation performance. The animals endure a stronger metabolic activity which generates intense free radical production. This is the …

Resistant capacity of the encapsulated grape extract during ruminal fermentation: an Ex-vitro study

Last August 2022, in Thessaloniki (Greece) Doctor Bui (DVM, Nor-Feed R&D team) shared new data obtained with our encapsulated grape extract during the 70th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural product research (GA). Rumen-by-pass formula of Nor-Grape® to protect active molecules from Ruminal retention Natural grape extract constituted …

Improving colostrum quality in cows

Colostrum quality and Oxidative stress During the peripartum period, the massive modulation in metabolism, physiology, immunity, etc., frequently generates the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which causes oxidative stress [1]. The negative correlation between maternal oxidative imbalance and quality of colostrum has been confirmed by several studies. Some studies have shown that the supplementation …