The power of saponins to manage coccidial risk.
Norponin® XO is a premix of additives standardized in saponins.
- Contributes to coccidial risk management
- Contained extracted saponins
- Usable without withdrawal period
- As efficient as chemical coccidiostats and ionophores for animal performance.
- 100% natural
Coccidia like Eimeria are highly contagious intestinal parasites, leading to serious problems in particular in poultry production. Economic losses are caused by an increased feed conversion, poorer growth and higher mortality. In addition, coccidia can contribute to the outbreak of secondary digestive troubles. The use of botanicals can be a valuable and an efficient alternative.
Patented combination of saponins.
The power of saponins to manage coccidial risk.
Norponin® XO is a premix of additives standardized in saponins.
- Contributes to coccidial risk management
- Contained extracted saponins
- Usable without withdrawal period
- As efficient as chemical coccidiostats and ionophores for animal performance.
- 100% natural
Coccidia like Eimeria are highly contagious intestinal parasites, leading to serious problems in particular in poultry production. Economic losses are caused by an increased feed conversion, poorer growth and higher mortality. In addition, coccidia can contribute to the outbreak of secondary digestive troubles. The use of botanicals can be a valuable and an efficient alternative.
Patented combination of saponins.

Proven benefits
Trial results
7 trials with coccidia inoculation were performed between 2016 and 2019: 2 in Europe (Belgium, Spain), 4 in America (3 in the USA, 1 in Peru) and 1 in Asia (Vietnam).
Each trial was conducted with an infected untreated control group (IUC, negative control), an infected group treated with coccidiostats (Ctrl+, positive control), and an infected group with Norponin® XO supplementation.
Results observed showed an improvement in feed conversion ratio, as well as an increase in average daily weight gain. Due to a reduced mortality rate (data not shown), the increased performance parameters resulted in a significant improvement of the European Broiler Index (+7%, EBI) compared to the negative control. In addition, no significant difference was observed between birds receiving coccidiostats and birds supplemented with Norponin® XO.
Figure 1: Collected performance parameters ADG (Average Daily Gain), FCR (Feed conversion ratio) and EBI (European Broiler Index, EBI= (ADG x Livability)/ (10 x FCR)).
Performance parameters
No Data Found
Mode of action
Saponins are secondary metabolites produced by several plants mainly as a defense mechanism against microbes, insects or drought.
The selected saponins included in the Norponin XO will provoke the lysis of Eimeria.
Various application
For poultry
Norponin XO can be used in full, in addition, or in shuttle or rotation programs. As Norponin XO is a natural product there is no withdrawal period.