A seminar dedicated to coccidial risk management in China

The Nor-Feed team travelling through China to talk about Coccidial risk in the poultry industry During 10 days, a Nor-Feed delegation represented by Marie-Sophie SCHNEEGANS, Product Manager, and Weishan WANG, Sales Area Manager, supported by Dr. Pavel MELNIKOV, MVService, traveled through China as part of a join event with Adisseo and Shanghai Muqi to discuss …

Understanding the spread of Eimeria Oocysts inside the farm

What are Eimeria Oocysts Eimeria is a type of protozoan parasites belonging to the coccidia family.  Oocysts are the spores formed by Eimeria that end up in the environment. Once ingested by the animal, they follow a definite life cycle and typically infest the cells lining the intestinal mucosa of animals, especially poultry, causing infections …

Managing coccidial risk in livestock: Natural and effective products to meet the need for sustainable solutions

Advancements and Challenges in Poultry Production: The economic impact of coccidiosis Over the last few decades, the performance of poultry production has improved considerably, thanks to major advances in genetics, feed and rearing parameters. The intensive production system, characterized by high stocking densities and large numbers of birds, is leading to an increase in challenges. …

Natural alternatives for coccidial risk management, an expanding market

The growing need of natural alternatives to Antibiotics In recent decades, the performances in poultry productions have considerably improved, thanks to major advances in genetics, feed and breeding parameters. This considerable productivity gain has unfortunately not solved the issue of coccidiosis, a frequent disease with an estimated annual cost of 3 billion dollars globally. Still …

Norponin® XO: as efficient as coccidiostats to maintain broilers’ zootechnical performances under coccidial risk

The negative effects of coccidiosis on Gut Health Health in general and gut health more specifically, are important pillars of animal welfare. Gut health can be negatively affected in broiler chickens by coccidiosis. To limit the effect of this disease, coccidiostats have been used with success for decades. However, resistance is a side effect of …

Norponin® XO as efficient as fermentation coccidiostats for contributing to coccidial risk management

A major challenge for poultry productions: Coccidiosis Coccidiosis is a major challenge for poultry industry. Traditional coccidiostats and chemical treatment efficacy can be altered by resistance, so new solutions are needed. Natural solutions based on extracted and selected saponins are good candidates to better protect birds from coccidiosis. After years of careful studies, Nor-Feed developed a saponin-based …

Saponin-Rich Plant Premixture Supplementation is As Efficient as Ionophore Monensin

A new peer-review article on the interest of Selected saponins for coccidiosis Nor-Feed, as a leading specialist of botanicals for animal nutrition, is glad to share a new peer-review article on the interest of selected saponins for coccidiosis, published in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary science. In the plant kingdom, there are more than 10 …

Coccidiosis management Seminar in Tbilisi

Nor-Feed in Tbilisi: Coccidiosis management seminar On November 28th the Nor-Feed team organized in Georgia a seminar dedicated to the coccidiosis management program, with the support of local partners. 42 participants from 9 countries took part in this event: Ukraine, Belorussia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, France, Germany and, of course, Georgia! Despite the international difficulties, …

A trial shows the effectiveness of Norponin® XO2 compared to synthetic treatments

Contributes to coccidial risk management Norponin® XO Angers, 9th July 2019. New data from Turkey confirm the efficacy of Norponin®XO, a premixture of additive developed and produced by Nor-Feed, especially if we compare it with synthetical treatments. Norponin®XO is a premixture of natural additives formulated with saponins-containing plants. It contributes to coccidial risk management, the main …