Light intensity increases feather pecking in laying hens

What are the causes of Feather pecking Feather pecking is a common social behavior in commercial laying hens. Various factors lead to feather pecking such as: environment, stocking density, hen genetic, and nutrition. Feather pecking is also linked to social behavior, as birds tend to imitate each other quickly, leading to a general pecking behavior …

Polyphenols and antioxidant defenses: Nor-Grape® 80

What are Polyphenols? Polyphenols exist in a majority of plants, but not all of them have the same properties. This broad classification is displayed in various categories such as phenolic acids, stilbenes, flavonoids and lignans for which there are other subcategories. Therefore, the profiles of polyphenols and their associated properties differ greatly between those encountered …

Norponin® XO as efficient as fermentation coccidiostats for contributing to coccidial risk management

A major challenge for poultry productions: Coccidiosis Coccidiosis is a major challenge for poultry industry. Traditional coccidiostats and chemical treatment efficacy can be altered by resistance, so new solutions are needed. Natural solutions based on extracted and selected saponins are good candidates to better protect birds from coccidiosis. After years of careful studies, Nor-Feed developed a saponin-based …

Saponin-Rich Plant Premixture Supplementation is As Efficient as Ionophore Monensin

A new peer-review article on the interest of Selected saponins for coccidiosis Nor-Feed, as a leading specialist of botanicals for animal nutrition, is glad to share a new peer-review article on the interest of selected saponins for coccidiosis, published in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary science. In the plant kingdom, there are more than 10 …

Effect of a Citrus extract on the microbiota and well-being of sows around farrowing

At the Journées de la Recherche Porcine (JRP) 2023 in Paris, Dr. Sekhou Cissé, R&D product manager at Nor-Feed, presented a poster on the evaluation of the effect of a standardized Citrus extract on the intestinal microbiota and welfare of sows around farrowing, under commercial farming conditions. Farrowing A critical period for sows The farrowing …

Testing properties and biological activities of saponins

In 2022, Maxime Le Bot (Nor-Feed/FeedInTech) published new data on testing properties and biological activities of saponins during the 70th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA), in August 28 – 31, 2022 in Thessaloniki, Greece. What are Saponins? In fact, saponins are complex secondary metabolites …

An accurate, cost-effective and simple colorimetric method for the quantification of saponins

Maxime Le Bot, FeedInTech Analysis Specialist, has recently written an article published in Food Chemistry, a recognized scientific peer-review journal, with the collaboration of the SONAS laboratory and the FeedInTech joint-lab, about an accurate, cost-effective, and simple colorimetric method to quantify saponins from plant materials. What are Saponins? Saponins are a family of molecules found …

Resistant capacity of the encapsulated grape extract during ruminal fermentation: an Ex-vitro study

Last August 2022, in Thessaloniki (Greece) Doctor Bui (DVM, Nor-Feed R&D team) shared new data obtained with our encapsulated grape extract during the 70th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural product research (GA). Rumen-by-pass formula of Nor-Grape® to protect active molecules from Ruminal retention Natural grape extract constituted …

Improving colostrum quality in cows

Colostrum quality and Oxidative stress During the peripartum period, the massive modulation in metabolism, physiology, immunity, etc., frequently generates the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which causes oxidative stress [1]. The negative correlation between maternal oxidative imbalance and quality of colostrum has been confirmed by several studies. Some studies have shown that the supplementation …