Coccidiosis management Seminar in Tbilisi

Nor-Feed in Tbilisi: Coccidiosis management seminar On November 28th the Nor-Feed team organized in Georgia a seminar dedicated to the coccidiosis management program, with the support of local partners. 42 participants from 9 countries took part in this event: Ukraine, Belorussia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, France, Germany and, of course, Georgia! Despite the international difficulties, …

Nor-Feed at the Gut Health Symposium in St Louis

Nor-Feed at the Gut Health Symposium Nor-Feed was at the Gut Health Symposium in St Louis, MO, USA represented by Dr. Sekhou CISSE who shared the latest data regarding the use of Nor-Spice AB® in sows around farrowing. Farrowing is a critical period for sows. Indeed, this stage is favorable to digestive disorders such as …

Natural Citrus Extracts to modulate the sows’ microbiota and enable a better weight gain of piglets

Modulating the Sows’ microbiota The citrus extracts of Nor-Spice AB® contain many actives which have shown effects on the gut and intestinal microbiota. These compounds allow, on one side, to stimulate the growth of certain microorganisms that are beneficial to the microbiota, and on the other side to limit the development of pathogenic bacteria. For example, pectic oligosaccharides promote bifidobacteria and …

The effects of a dry grape extract and selenium supplementation on the reduction of oxidative stress in piglets

Weaning in piglets: A critical period Piglets are fragile animals at birth as they have to build their immune system after farrowing through lactation and especially through colostrum ingestion. This building of the immune system must then continue during weaning, which is a critical period in the life of piglets that may be associated with …

Improving the use of pigments in poultry

Improving the use of pigments in poultry Pigmentation has always been identified as being a quality indicator for chicken products worldwide. If we look at broilers, their yellow skin is traditionally associated to a free range and a corn feed diet. While in laying hens,the yellowness intensity of egg yolk is associated to its nutrients‘ …

Natural Citrus Extracts to modulate the sows’ microbiota and enable a better weight gain of piglets

Natural Citrus Extracts to modulate the sows’ microbiota and enable a better weight gain of piglets The citrus extracts of Nor-Spice AB contain many actives which have shown effects on the gut and intestinal microbiota. These compounds allow, on one side, to stimulate the growth of certain microorganisms that are beneficial to the microbiota, and on the other side to limit the …

Grape Polyphenols: An ally to fight heat stress

Consider the Antioxidant system Antioxidant diversification is essential to improve heat stress resilience and tackle the oxidative stress issue. In livestock, certain polyphenols from grape extracts allow to preserve a high level of performance and help combat the negative effects of heat stress. Looking at the metabolism of livestock animals, they all share a very …

A trial shows the effectiveness of Norponin® XO2 compared to synthetic treatments

Contributes to coccidial risk management Norponin® XO Angers, 9th July 2019. New data from Turkey confirm the efficacy of Norponin®XO, a premixture of additive developed and produced by Nor-Feed, especially if we compare it with synthetical treatments. Norponin®XO is a premixture of natural additives formulated with saponins-containing plants. It contributes to coccidial risk management, the main …

Nor-Grape 80®: a key-additive to unlock performances in shrimp

Antioxidant solution for shrimp production Nor-Grape80® Angers, 16 January 2018: Nor-Feed’s dry grape extract, Nor-Grape 80® is an advanced antioxidant solution for shrimps during the starter period, when associated to vitamin E, according to a recent trial carried out in Taiwan. Shrimp is a major production in aquaculture. Mainly raised in 50 countries, its production ranks …