With the heat, comes the stress for livestock!

Protecting livestock from the stress due to Rising temperatures Heat stress casts a shadow over the performance and profitability of livestock production. Unfortunately, farmers cannot always measure precisely the losses associated with this insidious threat, even though studies have confirmed the high cost associated with it. For the U.S. market, the yearly losses have been …

A seminar dedicated to coccidial risk management in China

The Nor-Feed team travelling through China to talk about Coccidial risk in the poultry industry During 10 days, a Nor-Feed delegation represented by Marie-Sophie SCHNEEGANS, Product Manager, and Weishan WANG, Sales Area Manager, supported by Dr. Pavel MELNIKOV, MVService, traveled through China as part of a join event with Adisseo and Shanghai Muqi to discuss …

Standardized dry grape extract, an ally for boosting bone health in pullets

The importance of bone mineralization during Pullets’ growth Bone mineralization in pullets is one of the keys to laying performance and well-being. Indeed, while maximum skeletal development takes place during the pullet’s growth, it is mainly focused on building structural bone. When sexual maturity is reached, the young hen begins to secrete much higher doses …

New alternative for preventing from worms’ damages

Helminth infections in animals: Most common parasitic worms Animals are naturally subject to infection by parasitic worms or Helminths. The majority of Helminths infect the digestive tract but some are also found in other organs, such as the brain, trachea and eye. Not all Helminth infections cause obvious clinical disease. The roundworms (or nematodes) and …

Live Session | Contributing to Coccidial risk Management with Saponins

Join our next live session about the Interest of saponins to manage coccidial risk During this Live Session we will review the different challenges around coccidiosis in poultry farming and see how saponins can be efficient in contributing to coccidial risk management.  You are interested in joining this live session?  Please pick the best session …

Understanding the spread of Eimeria Oocysts inside the farm

What are Eimeria Oocysts Eimeria is a type of protozoan parasites belonging to the coccidia family.  Oocysts are the spores formed by Eimeria that end up in the environment. Once ingested by the animal, they follow a definite life cycle and typically infest the cells lining the intestinal mucosa of animals, especially poultry, causing infections …

Durelax Liquid, an effective tool in aquaculture!

Promising trial results from our partner Montana Chile on Salmonides Recent trials conducted in Chile by our partner, Montana Chile, focusing on Atlantic salmon, Pacific salmon, and rainbow trout, have yielded promising results. Durelax liquid, used at 250ml/m3 in water, reduces fish stress. Notably, during transport via truck and well-boat, salmonids exhibited lower cortisol levels, indicating …

Managing coccidial risk in livestock: Natural and effective products to meet the need for sustainable solutions

Advancements and Challenges in Poultry Production: The economic impact of coccidiosis Over the last few decades, the performance of poultry production has improved considerably, thanks to major advances in genetics, feed and rearing parameters. The intensive production system, characterized by high stocking densities and large numbers of birds, is leading to an increase in challenges. …